To: UG Students cc: All staff The Module Add/Drop period for Semester 1, 2022/23 will take place on 5-19 September 2022 during which students can add or drop modules through the Module Add/drop System. You may find the System user guide here. Students can login to the Module Add/drop system during 5-19 September 2022 from 10:00 to 15:00 (Closure during weekend and public holiday) to submit module add/drop application.…
To: UG Students Cc: All Staff This serves to inform you of the arrangement of taking extra credits in Semester 1, 2022/23. If students wish to apply for taking extra credits (number of credits taken exceeds 18 credits) in Semester 1, 2022/23, please complete and submit the e-Application for Taking Extra Credits (with Additional Fee) (UG) via eCampus (MyHSUHK > Form > Taking Extra Credit). You are advised to read the Notes to Applicants carefully before you submit the…
To: UG Students cc: All staff The Mock and Main Round of Module Registration for Semester 1, 2022/23 will take place as scheduled and please reserve your time to plan and build your timetable for Semester 1, 2022/23. The academic calendar 2022/23 is available here for reference. Upon thorough consideration of the latest situation of COVID-19 and the…
To UG Students If you wish to apply for programme transfer or subsidised vacancies of programmes under Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP), please submit the Application for Programme Transfer (REG Form 04), together with the result summary of all semesters, to the Registry on or before 5pm, 9 June 2022. Please note the requirements below. Students may be invited for…
To: All Undergraduate and Exchange Students cc: All Staff Please be informed that the Module Results for Semester 2, 2021/22 will be released on 2 June 2022. Please check your results here according to the following timeslots. Students Start Time Exchange 10:00 Year 4 10:15 Year 3 10:30 Year 2 10:45 Year 1 11:00 Meanwhile, we would also…
To: Current local UG students Since 2017/18 academic year (AY), the HKSAR Government provides a non-means-tested annual subsidy under the Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (NMTSS) for eligible students pursuing full-time undergraduate programmes (including top-up degree) in the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK). The annual subsidy amount of NMTSS will…
To: UG Students, Programme offices This serves to inform you the arrangement of taking extra modules in Summer Term, 2021/22. If students wish to apply for taking extra modules (number of credits taken exceeds 3) in Summer Term, 2021/22, please complete and submit the e-Application for Taking Extra Credits (with Additional Fee) (UG) via eCampus (MyHSUHK > Form > Taking Extra Credit). You are advised to read…
Dear Students, This serves to communicate with you about the procedure of module registration for Summer Term, 2021/22. The Summer Term will run for 7 teaching weeks from 6 June to 23 July 2022 with the End-of-Module examinations to be held from 27 July to 2 August 2022. The List of Modules to be offered in this summer term…