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Mock and Main Round of Module Registration for Semester 2, 2024-25

To: UG students

cc: All staff


  1. The Mock and Main Round of Module Registration for Semester 2, 2024-25 will take place as scheduled below and please reserve your time to plan and build your timetable for Semester 2, 2024-25.  The academic calendar 2024-25 is available here for reference.
Phase Date
Phase 1 Mock Module Registration Fri, 27 Dec 2024

Mon, 30 Dec 2024

Phase 2 Main Round of Module Registration Thu-Fri, 2-3 Jan 2025
Phase 3 Clearance Round of Module Registration Fri, 10 Jan 2025
Phase 4 Module Add/Drop 13-24 Jan 2025


Phase 1: Mock Module Registration


  1. The Mock Module Registration will be held on 27 & 30 December 2024.  You may login to the Module Registration System, which is loaded with actual timetable of all modules and class sessions, according to the following time schedule.  By participating in the mock exercise, you can test your own equipment and have a hands-on experience of planning and registering modules.


Timeline for Mock Module Registration
Stage Date Login Start Time Module Registration Timeslot Student

(Year of Study in 2024-25)

1 Fri, 27 Dec 2024


(Major Core, Major Elective, Business Core and Common Core)*

09:45 10:00-11:00 Year 4
11:15 11:30-12:30 Year 3
12:45 13:00-14:00 Year 2
14:15 14:30-15:30 Year 1
15:45 16:00-17:00 ALL
2 Mon, 30 Dec 2024


(all modules in Stage 1 plus Business Elective, GE Elective, Free Elective)

09:45 10:00-11:00 Year 4
11:15 11:30-12:30 Year 3
12:45 13:00-14:00 Year 2
14:15 14:30-15:30 Year 1
15:45 16:00-17:00 ALL


  1. Please note that all modules registered in this Mock Module Registration will be REMOVED  The system will be reset for the Main Round of Module Registration to be taken place on 2-3 January 2025.  Any successful module registration in the Mock Module Registration does not denote you will successfully register or have priority to register the same modules during the Main Round of Module Registration.


Phase 2: Main Round of Module Registration


  1. Students are required to login to the Module Registration System (user guide can be found here) according to the timeslots specified below.


Timeline for Main Round of Module Registration
Stage Date Login Start Time Module Registration Timeslot Student

(Year of Study in 2024-25)

1 Thu, 2 Jan 2025


(Major Core, Major Elective,  Business Core and Common Core)*

09:45 10:00-11:00 Year 4
11:15 11:30-12:30 Year 3
12:45 13:00-14:00 Year 2
14:15 14:30-15:30 Year 1
15:45 16:00-17:00 ALL
2 Fri, 3 Jan 2025


(all modules in Stage 1 plus Business Elective, GE Elective, Free Elective)

09:45 10:00-11:00 Year 4
11:15 11:30-12:30 Year 3
12:45 13:00-14:00 Year 2
14:15 14:30-15:30 Year 1
15:45 16:00-17:00 ALL


* You can register modules under these categories in stage 1 only if they are prescribed in your suggested study plan of this semester by your Programme Office.  Please seek advice from your Programme Office if in doubt.



  1. The list of modules of Semester 2, 2024-25 is released on the Module Planner. To facilitate your selection of modules, all module outlines can be found on the Module Outline Database.


  1. Please refer to the recommended study plan sent by your Programme Office and note the following when you prepare for the module registration:


(a) Except for Year 1 students in their first semester studies, whose timetables are pre-assigned by the Registry, all other students are required to register modules by themselves during the module registration exercise before the commencement of each semester/term.


(b) The module registration is conducted in a ‘Free Form’ manner, enabling you to select your preferred modules in the system as long as the modules are prescribed in your curriculum.  Availability of places of a module is subject to the quotas set by the module offering departments on a first-come-first-served basis.


(c) It is the deployment plans of the offering departments/schools that determine the number of modules and sessions to be offered according to their staff strength and the estimated student demands indicated by all programme offices.  The supply of some popular modules may not be enough to meet all students’ demand.  But please be rest assured that NO students, who are due for graduation after completion of this semester, would be affected by insufficient places in core or elective modules. Please approach your Programme Office for assistance if necessary.


(d) Some modules are offered in both semesters and students from different programmes are designated to register them in a specific semester.  Therefore, you will have no priority in registering some of your major core or major elective modules in stage 1 if they are not prescribed in your suggested study plan for this semester by your Programme Office.  Please seek advices from your Programme Office if in doubt.


(e) Your Programme Office should have reserved sufficient places of stage 1 modules for you to register.  However, if you do not register them at the assigned time on the first day of module registration, you may risk not being able to register them later as your place will be made available to students of the next year/stage immediately.


(f) For modules offering to junior year students in stage 1, senior year students of the same programme may also register them in stage 1.


(g) Students may retake a module that they have passed with a grade “C” or below but priority will be given to first-timer and retake students can only register for those passed modules during the Module Add/Drop period.


(h) Please observe the following arrangements of GE modules:


  • Once a GE module is listed as major core/major elective of an individual programme, the students of that specific programme are restricted from taking that module as to fulfil their GE requirement.


  • GE modules, including those offered by the School of Business, should only serve the purpose of fulfilling GE requirements, instead of fulfilling other requirements such as business elective.


(i) Some modules may be cancelled due to under-enrolment. Students who have registered these under-enrolled modules will receive notification form the Registry via email on or before 9 January 2025.



Taking Extra Credits in Semester 2, 2024-25


  1. If students wish to apply for taking extra credits (number of credits taken exceeds 18 credits) in Semester 2, 2024-25, please complete and submit the e-Application for Taking Extra Credits (with Additional Fee) (UG) via eCampus (MyHSUHK > Student Portal > Form > Taking Extra Credit).  Please note that students with Academic Warning/Academic Probation status are not eligible to apply for taking extra credits.


  1. We will accept your application from now on until 12:00 noon, 23 January 2025. You will be informed of the application result via e-mail. Please note that additional tuition feewill be incurred for the extra credits (excluding credits related to field experience, internship and company project). The debit note will be issued to you after the Module Add/Drop Period. You may refer to the Appendix III: Fees Schedule in the Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes for details.


Phase 3: Clearance Round of Module Registration


  1. During the Clearance Round of Module Registration, students can make final change to their timetables before the commencement of the semester on the Module Registration System again according to the timeslots below:


Timeline for Clearance Round of Module Registration  
Date Login Start Time Module Registration Timeslot Student

(Year of Study in 2024-25)

Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:45 10:00-11:00 Year 4
11:15 11:30-12:30 Year 3
12:45 13:00-14:00 Year 2
14:15 14:30-15:30 Year 1
15:45 16:00-17:00 ALL


  1. You are strongly advised to first consult your Programme Office directly should you have any questions regarding your timetable and study plan to avoid unnecessary referrals and delay. For enquiry with Registry, please state your questions clearly (and preferably with supporting documents) in emails. Meanwhile, you may find your answer in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Module Registration and Module Add/Drop which is now uploaded to the Registry website.


  1. Details about Phase 4: Module Add/Drop will be announced by the Registry in due course in a separate email.


Thank you for your attention and wish you a successful semester!


19 December 2024